7. UsiNg CAUTiON
Never leave the collar on the dog’s neck for too long (not more than
eight consecutive hours). Otherwise, the dog’s skin could be dam
maged by the pressure of the collars probes
Verify daily that the skin is not red, nor with cutaneous eruptions, or
wounds in the zone in contact with the probes. If it were the case, take
off the collar immediately, and wait some days until the skin is com
pletely healed before putting the collar on again (less tightened than it
was before). Consult a veterinary practitioner if the skin doesn’t heal
Wash and desinfect the dog’s neck and the collar’s probes every week.
Use a sponge or a wet towel.
If your dog is unhealthy, it is better to consult a veterinarian before
using an electronic collar.
It is preferable than the dog’s minimum 6 months old, has already re
ceived a basic education like «sit», «down» and a minimum knowledge
of the order «come» before using a training collar.
Verify frequently that the probes are correctly screwed, and that the tight junc
tions are in a good state.
Verify the state of the batteries.
Clean the probes frequently with 90° alcohol.
Verify frequently that the collars battery cover is tightly screwed, and that the
tight junction is in a good state.