Load With Winch
1. Set parking brake and chock tires of the loading vehicle to prevent movement while
loading & unloading, never stand between UTV and deck while loading, do not operate
vehicle or UTV under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
2. Remove ramps from deck, make sure the ramp hooks are securely engaged on the rear
load bars of the deck.
3. Line up ramps to match
machines tire width.
4. Wear your helmet and use your seatbelt. If inside vehicle. Not required if using a
remote operated winch.
5. Inst
all the moveable ladder to the driver’s side of deck using the spring pin. Place it in
front of the Marlon side decal (this is so you can get out of the vehicle once you park).
(remember to install the spring pin when using the movable ladder, this is imperative to
the strength of the mounting positions)
6. Attach winch cable hook to the winch brace on the top of the deck or attach winch
cable hook from the winch mounted on the deck to a secure pull position on the vehicle.
7. Make sure vehicle is in neutral and tires are aligned with ramps.
8. Guide vehicle tires on to the load ramps until the rear tires are on the ramps, continue
to load vehicle with winch power until the front tires are secure in the front tire cradle
(do not over tighten the winch. Just put enough tension on the cable to keep the vehicle
touching the front support braces on the tire cradle).
. You’re there a
pply the brakes and put the vehicle in park.
10. Dismount the vehicle using the movable ladder.
Move the movable ladder to the front tire location on the driver’s side, install with
spring pin.
12. Climb ladder with 1 tire tiedown strap in hand. Lock the adjustable anchor end into
the supertrac that is installed on the deck. Loop the lasso end of the strap over the tire
at the 10-2 position. If the supertrac is mounted on an angle look at it as if you were
looking at a clock and the anchor point would be 6:00, that will always put the lasso
in the right position. Tighten the lasso by pulling the end of the strap until the lasso
and ratchet mechanism look like the picture below. Then tighten the lasso by using
the ratchet level, tighten until strap depresses into tire approx. 1 inch. Make sure the
D ring is centered as close as possible, this may take loosening the strap a couple time
and adjusting. Once its centered and the strap is tightened, tie the remaining strap
end up in such a way that is not able to flap in the wind. As this can damage the
finish on the wheel and or the deck.
13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 on the remaining 3 tires.
(remember to install the spring pin
when using the movable ladder, this is imperative to the strength of the mounting
14. Place the removable ladder in the holder on the
deck, close the tailgate and you’
ready to hit the road.