1. Remove Hydrometer from plastic tube.
2. Rinse plastic tube and fill it with water from tank.
3. Place Hydrometer in tube and tap tube
lightly so that hydrometer floats.
NOTE: You may also float Hydrometer in tank.
4. Read scale on tube. Reading should be between
1.020 and 1.025. If the reading is below 1.020,
add salt;above 1.025,drain some water and
replace with fresh water.1.022 is ideal.
After your system has been running for about two hours and water
is clear, it is time to measure the tank’s salt level.
When replacing water lost due to evaporation,
simply add cold, clean tap water.
If water is removed for a specific purpose,
e.g. to dip lobsters or clean tank, new
salt and water will be needed.
pour new salt into tank if lobsters are present. Use a clean container to dissolve
salt (approximately 1.5 lbs of salt to every 5 gallons of water).
wait for salt to dissolve before taking Hydrometer reading.