Service Manual Ecoboiler wallmount 1000671 100676 061010
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Probable causes:
1. The water level is below the low level probe, which is normal when the machine fills
for the first time. (Can be flashing for up to 2 min at start up)
2. The low level probe wire is disconnected, or there is another wiring fault
(e.g. a bad earth (return) connection between the PCB and the Tank)
Action required:
1. Check that the water pressure is OK and ensure that the stop valve is open.
2. Check that the inlet solenoid is working.
3. If the water level is above the level of the low probe, check the probe circuit wiring
Display pattern:
3 flashes then a short pause - repeated.
Electronic check:
This indicates that the Thermistor is measuring such a large resistance that it assumes
the thermistor circuit is open.
The element and inlet valve are turned OFF when this error is detected
This is a recoverable error. When the correct range of resistance is measured, normal
operation resumes
Probable causes:
1. The thermistor probe is unplugged from the 4way connector on the PCB or the
thermistor has failed open circuit.
Action required:
1. Check that the thermistor is plugged in to the PCB correctly. If it is, replace the
Display pattern:
4 flashes then a short pause - repeated.
Electronic check:
This checks that the temperature is increasing when the heater is on.
Measures the rate that the temperature increases in a specified time. This error is only
displayed after 20 mins of the heater being on continuously. When the error is detected,
the element and inlet valve are turned off.
This is a non recoverable error. The machine needs to be reset when this problem is
Probable causes:
1. The elements have failed
2. Wiring fault
Action required:
1. Check that the resistance on the elements. If there is a reasonable resistance (15-
25Ω) on the element it probably has not failed, so the wiring might be at fault.