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Blue LED fails to light
when pressing Test
Make sure the battery is properly installed with the
+ sign on top
Make sure the battery indicator on the SPuck page
of the dashboard is green
Replace the CR2025 battery
SPuck not
communicating with
the MarCELL
Make sure the MarCELL is registered and has a
solid green light
Make sure the SPuck is registered to the correct
MarCELL device by checking the dashboard
Make sure the blue LED on the front of the
MarCELL flashes when pressing the test button
Move the MarCELL closer to the SPuck to test
whether there is a range issue
SPuck not detecting
Press the Test button to make sure the SPuck is
If the SPuck is still detecting the presence of water
after the test button is pressed the Test LED will
blink quickly 1 time every 5 seconds. If this occurs
dry the water sensors completely and the LED
flashing will stop
Make sure the SPuck is on a smooth surface and
the water sensors can come into contact with the