Condition of UPS Restart (Only Available on the CY54-03 Model)
Battery Capacity
If you do not want your UPS to restart until the batteries reach a specific capacity level,
enter that level here.
Waiting Time
If you want your UPS to wait for a specific time before restarting, enter that time here.
Test Log - UPS Testing (CY54-03 Model Only)
Here, the user can schedule several UPS tests, a 10-Second Self-Test, a Test until
Battery Low, a Deep Battery Test to a preset Schedule (specific length of time), and a
test until the battery capacity reaches a particular level. Once the option is selected,
clicking Apply executes it.
UPS Recorder
Adjusts how often the SNMP card retrieves data from the UPS
Critical Battery Capacity (%) (Only Available on the CY54-03 Model)
When UPS battery capacity reaches the capacity configured, the card sends a warning
UPS On/Off Schedule (Only Available on the CY54-03 Model)
We do not recommend scheduling the UPS to turn Off.
UPS Action – UPS Shutdown
When the selected Action/Event occurs, the UPS shuts down.
The four Actions/Events available are UPS Load Overrun, AC Power Failed, UPS
Battery Low, and UPS Temperature Overrun.
Wake On Lan (Only Available on the CY54-03 Model)
This section is to wake a PC or server, within its LAN, after AC recovery or when the
battery capacity reaches the configured %. (Make sure this functionality is supported on
the device and enabled in BIOS.) Next, enter the IP address of the LAN device for the
card to communicate with that device.