Environmental protection
Packaging materials:
The packaging used for MAQUET products is made of
materials compatible with the environment. They are
made of untreated wood, cardboard, recyclable plas-
tics or other reusable materials. MAQUET will dispose
of the packaging materials upon request.
MAQUET products:
MAQUET will take back any used products, or compo-
nent parts thereof, which are no longer usable and re-
use the components in a way which is not damaging
the environment. Please ring your local MAQUET serv-
ice centre for more details.
Plastic components:
large plastic components have a symbol to indicate what
type of plastic they are made of in order to make recy-
cling easier.
Padding can be disposed of as normal household
Batteries / Rechargeable batteries:
can be disposed of through the local waste system.
Your local MAQUET representative may supply further
information. MAQUET is an affiliate of the “Unified Bat-
tery Return System,” a foundation established to en-
sure proper and environmentally benign battery recy-
cling or, where appropriate, to provide for a means of
disposal compatible with the public interest.
VI. Care and maintenance