Montage- und Betriebsanleitung
Installation and Operating Instructions
PPuurrppoossee ooff tthhee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn aanndd O
Oppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
These installation and operating instructions describe the proper operation of the
high-performance reamer HPR500 and HPR600. You will find detailed infor-
mation on how to change and mount the indexable inserts. In addition, the most
important safety instructions on handling the high-performance reamer HPR500
and HPR600 are explained (also referred to as the "tool" below).
section 5 in the following you will find a detailed description of the individual
functions and steps necessary to successfully change the indexable inserts.
The installation and operating instructions form an integral part of the high-
performance reamer and must be kept in the immediate vicinity and be accessible
to personnel at all times. A basic precondition for safe working is compliance
with all the safety precautions and instructions for working given in these instal-
lation and operating instructions.
The local safety at work regulations and the general safety regulations for the
field of application of the tool must also be observed. Illustrations in these instal-
lation and operating instructions are provided for general understanding and may
differ from the actual design.
MAPAL Fabrik für Präzisionswerkzeuge Dr. Kress KG
Obere Bahnstrasse 13
D-73431 Aalen, GERMANY
+49 (0) 7361 585-0
+49 (0) 7361 585-1029
Montage- und Betriebsanleitung
Installation and Operating Instructions
TTaarrggeett ggrroouupp
The tool may only be used by trained, authorised and dependable specialist per-
sonnel. The specialist personnel must be able to recognise and avoid hazards and
must therefore have read this document before using the high-performance
reamer HPR500 and HPR600.
The specialist personnel are familiar with the accident prevention regulations,
safety stipulations and instructions from the machine manufacturer which must
be followed and observed during operation of the tool.
CCoorrrreecctt uussee
The tool is intended only for machining manufacture of metallic materials on
machine tools for industrial applications.
The tool may only be used when observance of all the instructions given in
these operating instructions is assured.
If there is a maximum operating speed indicated on the tool, it must not be
Failure to observe these instruction can result in injuries or damage to ma-
chines and accessories for which MAPAL assumes no liability.
IInnccoorrrreecctt uussee
The tool or the tool assembly and additional components may only be used
in accordance with the official specifications, and the maximum operating
speed must not be exceeded.
The tool and associated components must not be modified or used for any
other applications.
In the case of unauthorised modifications to the tool or incorrect use, all
claims under the warranty against MAPAL will be rendered void.
The manufacturer assumes no liability for accidents or damage resulting
from use for other than the correct use.
Montage- und Betriebsanleitung
Installation and Operating Instructions