MANN+HUMMEL Industrial Filters
Service life of main filter element
unusually short
Cyclone cells blocked or damaged
Clean the cyclone block; change, if
necessary (refer to Section 6.4)
Ejector hose leak or kinked
Seal the ejector hose, lay it as short as
possible and without any sharp bends
Too little vacuum at the dust
discharge connection or
unfavourable installation position
Check ejector setup and installation
position, modify as necessary (refer to
Section 5)
Dust on clean side downstream from
Leaks in lines and/or connections
on clean side downstream from filter
Remove dust thoroughly, seal lines and
Dust on clean air side in or
downstream from filter
Main filter element defect
Remove dust thoroughly, check main
filter element and replace together with
secondary element if necessary (refer
to Section 6)
Incorrect maintenance
Remove dust thoroughly, complete
maintenance in accordance with
Section 6
Housing not sealed properly
Remove dust thoroughly; check main
filter element, housing and sealing for
signs of damage; replace as necessary
and seal properly (refer to Section 6)
Incorrect main and/or secondary
element installed
Remove dust thoroughly, install original
MANN+HUMMEL filter element
Maintenance indicator/switch (option)
is not triggered despite heavily soiled
filter element
Maintenance indicator/switch defect
Check maintenance indicator/switch
(refer to Section 6, Footnote:
Maintenance Plan), replace as
necessary and check again
Lines, housing and/or main filter
element leak or damaged
Clean the clean side thoroughly,
eliminate leaks, replace damaged parts
Maintenance indicator/switch (option)
always triggers
Main filter element worn out
Change main filter element (refer to
Section 6)
Secondary element worn out
Change secondary element (refer to
Section 6.3)
Maintenance indicator/switch defect Replace maintenance indicator/switch