Maintenance and inspection
Introductory Remarks
The control system of the VTA is designed in such a way that maintenance
and inspection is only required when prompted by the system.
The maintenance intervals for the VTA correspond to those of a
turbocharger with rigid nozzle ring.
Cleaning the Variable Turbine Area
The turbocharger with adjustable turbine nozzle ring is fitted as standard with
a device for dry cleaning the turbine.
See TCA Project Guide.
To prevent the moving components of the VTA from seizing up, these com-
ponents are cleaned fully automatically at cyclical intervals (every 6 hours)
during operation of the turbocharger.
The turbine nozzle ring adjusts its turbine guide vanes under program control
in a partial load range defined for the specific engine plant. Following this
cleaning procedure, the original flow cross section is restored. In this way,
any deposits on the components are efficiently removed.
The profile of the cleaning procedure to be used depends on the
engine application and the fuel used for this plant and requires
consultation between the engine manufacturer and MAN Die-
sel & Turbo.
Maintenance of the Adjusting Device
For each scheduled maintenance on the turbine side of the turbocharger, the
spindle drives must be lubricated with special grease upon assembly.
Inspection of the Pipe Systems
Daily checking (visual) of the cooling-water and inflation air pipes for leaks.
Electronic Equipment
In accordance with maintenance specifications for the component part.
See operating manual supplied by the manufacturer.
Cleaning device
Moving components of the
turbine nozzle ring
Spindle Drives
2013-12-04 - de
7 Maintenance and inspection
7.5 Electronic Equipment
MAN Diesel & Turbo
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