For information about the power ratings that can be achieved in
emergency operation and the fail-safe position of the VTA, please
contact the engine manufacturer.
If the electronic control system of the VTA fails, the adjustable turbine nozzle
ring can be locked manually in a safe operational state.
If the voltage supply to the VTA control system is still present, the electric
brakes in the servomotors are activated. These can be deactivated using
switch S2 in the control cabinet of the VTA control system.
If the VTA control system is no longer supplied with power, the brakes
cannot be released without removing the servomotors.
Once the brakes have been released, the turbine nozzle ring can be
adjusted manually. This is done by turning the Cardan joints that serve to
transfer the torque from the servomotors to the spindle drives.
The direction of rotation of the Cardan joints is illustrated on the plate on
the spindle drive.
The operating range that can be used in emergency operation is
dependent on the application and specifications and must be
clarified with the engine manufacturer.
Electronic defect
6 Operation
6.3 Emergency Operation on Failure of the VTA Adjusting Device
2013-12-04 - de
MAN Diesel & Turbo
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