Thank you for choosing MAMMOTION as your garden carelawn mower.This Quick Start
Guide will help you learn and operate MAMMOTION LUBA.
1. Safety andRegulations
Operating MAMMOTIONLUBA requests training and practice. Please readthroughthis document
before operating it in your garden.
Do NOT charge the LUBA by third-party charger
Do NOT flip over the mower when it
’s running
Do NOT put your feet/hands under the mower when it
’s running
Do NOT push/pull the mower when it
’s running
Do NOT disassemble any parts when it
’s powered
Do NOT use hands to touch or replace the running blades
Do NOT use hands to touch the charging ports
Do NOT run mower in the puddle
Do NOT run mower on ground with sticks or rubbles
Clean the lawn before deploying the mower for work
Keep the charging port clean and dry