Camera Body
Camera Type:
6 x 4.5 cm electronic focal-plane shutter SLR.
Film Type:
120 roll-film for 15 exposures,
220 roll-film for 30 exposures
Actual Negative Size:
56 x 41.5mm (2-13/64” x1-41/64”)
Standard Lenses:
Mamiya-Sekor C (multi-coated)
80mm f/1.9, automatic diaphragm,
with meter coupler, 67mm filter size
Mamiya-Sekor C (multi-coated)
80mm f/2.8, automatic diaphragm,
with meter coupler, 58mm filter size
Lens Mount:
M a m i y a M 6 4 5 b a y o n e t m o u n t
B, 8-1/1000 sec.
Moving Coil Electronic Focal-Plane Shutter,
FP and X (1/60 sec.) synchronization,
Shutter release lock and shutter speed dial lock
Battery Type:
One 6V silver-oxide battery 4SR44
(Eveready 544, UCAR 544, Mallory PX28)
or 6V alkaline battery 4LR44
F o c u s i n g M e t h o d :
Each Mamiya-Sekor lens is equipped with its own
helicoid focusing mount
F o c u s i n g S c r e e n :
The standard focusing screen, which is interchange-
able, has three focusing aids, a central split-image
rangefinder spot (wedge set at a 45° angle) sur-
rounded by a micro-prism collar and outer ground
glass ring. A Fresnel lens assures corner-to-corner
brightness, and 94% of the picture-taking area is
Instant return, with mirror lock-up provision
Film Transport:
A single revolution of the interchangeable film ad-
vance crank transports the film. The camera is
equipped with double exposure prevention, but mul-
tiple exposure can be easily made.
Exposure Counter:
Progressive type, automatic reset, automatic
changeover with insertion of 120/220 roll-film inserts
Battery Check:
Depressing B.C. button illuminates green L.E.D
i f
battery condition is satisfactory.
M u l t i p l e - E x p o s u r e :
Lowering multiple-exposure lever makes multiple-
exposures possible; exposure counter does not
move during multiple-exposures.
Delayed Shutter Release:
Variable time delay of 5-10 seconds.
Depth-of-Field Preview Lever:
Spring-loaded, self-returning.