Interchangeable Finders
Prism Finder:
The image in the Prism Finder is right-side up, lat-
erally correct, and moves in the correct direction;
magnification of 0.74X with the standard lens at in-
finity, built-on hot-shoe; comes with eyecup.
PD Prism Finder:
Prism Finder with built-in silicon cell, through-the-
lens, full-aperture, center-werghted metering: 7
LED’s visible in the viewfinder
for correct or com-
pensated exposure, with 100 ASA
and f/1.9 lens,
meter coupling range of EV -1.15 - +19
8 sec.- f/22, 1/1000 sec.); with f/2.8 lens, EV 0- 19
(f/2.8, 8 sec. - f/22, 1/1000 sec.); camera body bat-
tery serves as power source; other features same as
Prism Finder.
CdS Prism Finder:
Prism Finder with CdS through-the-lens, full-aper-
ture, center-weighted metering; zero method with
indicator needle; couples to aperture and shutter
speed manually set, power source, one 1.5V silver
oxide battery SR44 or alkaline battery LR44, with
100 ASA and f/1.9 lens, meter coupling range of
EV 2.85 - 17 (f/1.9, 1/2 sec. - f/11, 1/1000 sec.):
with f/2 8 lens: EV 4 - 18 (f/2.8, 1/2 sec. - f/16,
1/1000 sec.); other features same as Prism Finder.
Waist-Level Finder S:
Opens and closes with a single touch; magnification
of 1.3X (w/standard lens at infinity); diopter correc-
tion lenses interchangeable with standard magnifier;
built- in sports finder shows field for standard lens
and accepts a mask for 110,150, and 210mm lenses,
all fields showing approximately 80% of the picture-
taking area.
Dimensions and Weight:
(width, height, depth, w/80mm f/1.9 lens)
(w/Waist-Level Finder S) (w/1.9 lens)
3-29/32” x 3-15/16” x 6-9/16” 55.4 oz
(99.3 x 100 x 166.5mm)
(1570 g)
(w/Prism Finder)
3-29/32” x 4-27/32” x 6-9/16” 62.3 oz
(99.3 x 122.7 x 166.5mm)
(1765 g)
(w/PD Prism Finder S)
3-29/32” x 4-29/32” x 6-9/16” 66.5 oz
(99.3 x 124.7 x 166.5mm)
(1885 g)
(w/CdS Prism Finder)
3-29/32” x 4-29/32” x 6-9/16” 67.2 oz
(99.3 x 124.7 x 166.5mm)
(1905 g)
Depth w/80mm
f / 2 . 8 l e n s ; 6-1/16” (154mm)
(w/2.8 lens)
49.6 oz
(1405 g)
56.4 oz
(1600 g)
60.7 oz
(1720 g)
61.4 oz
(1740 g)