Mallinckrodt INOmax DSIR Pocket Manual Download Page 28


Part No. 20751 Rev-01


Connecting INOmax DS


 Injector Module to the 


Connecting INOmax DS


 Sample Tee to the 


1.  Gas Out Tube from Vent
2.  15M X 4.5mm I.D. Adapter
3.  22M/15F X 22M/15F Adapter
4. Injector 


5.  15M X 4.5mm I.D. Adapter
6.  3cm Piece of Green Gas Out Tube
7. One-Way 










Circuit Connection




1.  From Patient Box
2.  Cut Green tube at midpoint 

(approximately six inches from 
the Life Port Adapter)

3.  Patient Gas Sample Line with 


4. Insert 



5. Life 



6. Endotracheal 




Summary of Contents for INOmax DSIR

Page 1: Delivery System Automated Pre Use Procedure Integrated Pneumatic Backup INOMAX Delivery Transport Regulator Cap Assembly Oxygen Dilution Chart INOMAX Cylinder Duration Chart Circuit Connection Diag...

Page 2: ...rmation only Do not use this product without clearly and thoroughly understanding the most recent revision of the INOmax DSIR Operation Manual The Operation 0DQXDO LV WKH VRXUFH IRU VSHFL F XSGDWHG LQ...

Page 3: ...01 2014 08 Mallinckrodt the M brand mark and the Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals logo are trademark of a Mallinckrodt company Other brands are trademarks of a Mallinckrodt company or their respective own...


Page 5: ...tructions to complete the automated Pre Use procedure Pre Use Checkout Pressing the NEXT button initiates the Pre Use wizard Pressing the CANCEL button exits the Pre Use wizard If you cancel the pre u...

Page 6: ...6 Part No 20751 Rev 01 2014 08 Pre Use Checkout...

Page 7: ...7 Part No 20751 Rev 01 2014 08 Pre Use Checkout Intentionally left blank...

Page 8: ...ff switch and a restrictor built into the delivery side of the system 3URYLGHV D HG RZ RI 120 P PLQ LQWR WKH LQMHFWRU PRGXOH 7KLV HG RZ SURYLGHV SSP RI 12 ZKHQ DGGHG WR D FRQWLQXRXV YHQWLODWRU JDV RZ...

Page 9: ...he estimated dose that the patient should be UHFHLYLQJ EDVHG RQ WKH YHQWLODWRU RZ Displays the NO concentration table Note If the injector module is not functioning the estimated backup dose graphic w...

Page 10: ...sing the Transport Regulator Cap Assembly PN 10022 ensure the cap is in place on the cylinder and the infrared cable is connected to the infrared connector port on the back of the INOmax DSIR Note Che...

Page 11: ...bly Figure 3 Figure 4 Step Two Connect the INOMAX regulator hose to one of the INOMAX inlets on the back of the INOmax DSIR see Figure 3 Step Three Connect the Infrared cable from the Transport Regula...

Page 12: ...Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 7UDQVSRUW 5HJXODWRU Cap Assembly Step Four Place the Cap Assembly over the INOmeter see Figure 5 Note Be sure to align the keyway inside the Cap Assembly with the i...

Page 13: ...will take place between the INOmax DSIR and the INOmeter after the boot up phase of the INOmax DSIR is complete Note Cylinder icons are not visible and the dose control button will remain inactive unt...

Page 14: ...NOMAX nitric oxide for inhalation This chart is representative of a range of doses available on the INOmax DSIR and doses higher than 20 ppm are not intended as the recommended therapeutic dose Calcul...

Page 15: ...YROXPH OLQGHU FRQYHUVLRQ IDFWRU F OLQGHU SUHVVXUH EDU SVLJ OLQGHU GXUDWLRQ KRXUV OLQGHU YROXPH 120 RZ UDWH Calculations are considered estimates and may vary under clinical circumstances For more inf...

Page 16: ...HU SUHVVXUH EDU SVLJ OLQGHU GXUDWLRQ KRXUV OLQGHU YROXPH 120 RZ UDWH Calculations are considered estimates and may vary under clinical circumstances For more information call 1 877 KNOW INO 1 877 566...

Page 17: ...e JDV VDPSOLQJ V VWHP DW P SHU PLQXWH WKLV FDQ DIIHFW WKH VHQVLWLYLW RI D RZ WULJJHUHG V QFKURQL HG EUHDWK PRGH RI some ventilators The trigger sensitivity of the ventilator should be checked after co...

Page 18: ...ian nCPAP Evolution 3DWLHQW DV 6DPSOH LQH ZLWK 1D RQ 3 Injector Module Electrical Cable 4 INOmax DSIR 5 NO N2 Injector Tube 6 Connecting Tube 15 inches 7 Injector Module 8 22F X 15M Adapter XPLGL HU 1...

Page 19: ...DWLHQW DV 6DPSOH LQH ZLWK 1D RQ 3 Injector Module Electrical Cable 4 INOmax DSIR 5 NO N2 Injector Tube 6 Injector Module 7 T Connector Assembly 7209 e 8 Connecting Tube 15 inches 9 22F X 15M Adapter X...

Page 20: 3 Pressure Relief Manifold 4 Injector Module 5 Temperature Probe 6 90 Degree Sample Port Adapter 7 Nasal Prongs 8 Babi Plus Bubble PAP Valve 9 Tee Adapter 10 Breathing Circuit XPLGL HU 12 NO N2 Inj...

Page 21: ...21 Part No 20751 Rev 01 2014 08 Circuit Connection Diagrams Intentionally left blank...

Page 22: ...manual resuscitator bags Use the smallest bag adequate to deliver the desired tidal volume Oxygen tubing lengths greater than 72 inches should not be used 8VH WKH KLJKHVW IUHVK JDV RZ UDWH XS WR PLQ...

Page 23: ...ter wall outlet or cylinder 2 O2 Tubing 3 15M X 4 5 mm Adapter 4 22M 15F X 22M 15F Adapter 5 Injector Module 6 15M X 4 5 mm Adapter 7 O2 Tubing 8 O2 Tubing Sample Tee 3DWLHQW DV 6DPSOH LQH ZLWK 1D RQ...


Page 25: ...le 3 NO N2 Injector Tube 3DWLHQW DV 6DPSOH LQH ZLWK 1D RQ 5 O2 Tubing 6 O2 Tubing Sample Tee SHU Q DWLRQ DJ 10 11 9 8 12 13 7 6 4 2 3 1 Bagging Systems While Using the Injector Module 8 Pressure Gauge...

Page 26: ...catheter is removed from the airway This will limit the extent of over delivery above the NO set dose Caution If the set dose is below 5 ppm and the Servo pressure is 2 0 psig RU OHVV WKLV ZLOO UHVXO...

Page 27: ...L HU 5 Conventional Ventilator 6 Life Port Adapter 7 Endotracheal Tube 8 Sample Tee 9 Patient Box 10 One Way Valve 11 Injector Module 12 NO N2 Injector Tube 13 Injector Module Electrical Cable 3DWLHQW...

Page 28: ...Adapter 3 22M 15F X 22M 15F Adapter 4 Injector Module 5 15M X 4 5mm I D Adapter 6 3cm Piece of Green Gas Out Tube 7 One Way Valve UHHQ DV 2XW 7XEH WR XPLGL HU 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 Circuit Connection Diagram...

Page 29: ...lator 6 Ventilator Drive Gas 7 Absorber Expiratory Port 8 Absorber Inspiratory Port 9 Absorber 10 Injector Module a Injector Module Input End b Injector Module Output End 11 Inspiratory Tubing 12 22M...

Page 30: ...tor 3 Ventilator Expiratory Port 4 Ventilator Inspiratory Port 5 Patient Gas Sample Line Input Connection 6 INOmax DSIR 7 NO N2 Injector Tube Front Panel Connection 8 Injector Module Electrical Cable...

Page 31: ...22M 15F Adapter 6 Injector Module 7 Temperature Probe 8 Nasal Prong Infant Interface 9 Bubble CPAP Generator 10 F P Inline Infant Nebulizer Kit RT010 Adapter 11 Breathing Circuit XPLGL HU 13 NO N2 Inj...

Page 32: ...ZLWK 1D RQ 2 INOmax DSIR 3 Oxygen Source 4 Oxygen Tubing 5 22F X 15M Adapter 6 Injector Module 7 Pressure Relief Manifold 8 22M 15F X 22M 15F Adapter 9 Injector Module Electrical Cable 10 NO N2 Inject...

Page 33: ...Source 4 Breathing Circuit Hose 5 Injector Module 6 Injector Module Electrical Cable 7 NO N2 Injector Tube 8 22F X 15M Adapter XPLGL HU 10 Breathing Circuit 11 Temperature Probe 12 Gas Sample Tee 13...

Page 34: ...WLHQW DV 6DPSOH LQH ZLWK 1D RQ 3 INOmax DSIR 4 NO N2 Injector Tube 5 Injector Module Electrical Cable 6 Injector Module 7 22F X 15M Adapter XPLGL HU 9 Heated Delivery Circuit 10 Temperature Probe 11 U...

Page 35: ...Input Connection 7 INOmax DSIR 8 NO N2 Injector Tube Front Panel Connection 9 Injector Module Electrical Cable Front Panel Connection 10 22M 15F X 22M 15F Adapter 11 Injector Module Electrical Cable C...

Page 36: ...51 Rev 01 2014 08 Circuit Connection Diagrams a Injector Module b 22F Inlet c 22M 15F Outlet b a c 6HQVRUPHGLFV LJK UHTXHQF Oscillatory Ventilator with a Filtered Circuit 1 2 4 6 9 10 11 12 11 13 17 1...

Page 37: ...ctrical Cable Connection 6 INOmax DSIR 7 NO N2 Injector Tube 8 8 mm Tubing X 15M Adapter 9 One Way Valve 10 Paw Limit Valve Control 11 Filter XPLGL HU QOHW XPLGL HU 2XWOHW 14 Bias Flow Tube 3DWLHQW DV...

Page 38: ...elivery 1 Sensormedics 3100A B Ventilator 2 Ventilator Outlet 3 22M Adapter 4 Injector Module 5 INOmax DSIR 6 NO N2 Injector Tube Connection 7 Injector Module Electrical Cable Connection 8 One Way Val...

Page 39: ...O N2 Injector Tube 6 Injector Module Electrical Cable 7 Injector Module 8 22F X 15M Adapter XPLGL HU 10 Inspiratory Breathing Circuit Hose 11 Expiratory Breathing Circuit Hose 12 Gas Sample Tee 1 2 4...

Page 40: ...Breathing Circuit Tee 5 Breathing Circuit Bag 6 Injector Module 7 Breathing Circuit Hose 8 Gas Sample Tee 9 22M 15F X 22M 15F Adapter 10 One Way Valve 11 Sealed Face Mask 12 One Way Valve 3DWLHQW DV...

Page 41: ...RZ rate as low as 2 L min WARNING Do not use the INOmax DSIR backup mode with RZ UDWHV OHVV WKDQ PLQ 1 O2 Flowmeter 2 O2 Tubing 3 15M x 4 5 mm Adapter 4 22M 15F x 22M 15F Adapter 5 300 mm of 22 mm Hos...

Page 42: ...m Pressure Relief Valve 5 Air Oxygen Blender or Oxygen Blender 6 Oxygen Tubing 7 Temperature Probe Short Cable 8 Angled 22 mm Connector 9 Patient Circuit 10 Temperature Probe Connector 11 Second Tempe...

Page 43: ...Circuit Hose 3 Patient Gas Sample Line with 1D RQ 4 Ventilator Expiratory Valve 5 Ventilator 6 INOmax DSIR 1 2 9 8 10 11 3 4 7 12 13 6 7 Ventilator Inspiratory Port 8 22M 15F X 22M 15F Adapter 9 Injec...

Page 44: ...Valve 2 Patient Wye 3 Circuit Hose 4 Patient Gas Sample Linewith 1D RQ 5 Ventilator 6 INOmax DSIR 1 2 9 8 10 11 3 4 7 12 13 6 7 Ventilator Inspiratory Port 8 22M 15F X 22M 15F Adapter 9 Injector Modul...

Page 45: ...45 Part No 20751 Rev 01 2014 08 Circuit Connection Diagrams Intentionally left blank...

Page 46: ...M 15F Adapter 6 300mm of 22mm Hose 7 22M 15F x 22M 15F Adapter 8 Injector Module 10 1 14 12 9 8 16 11 7 6 4 3 2 13 9 15M x 4 5mm Adapter 10 Vapotherm 2000i 11 Patient Delivery Tube 12 O2 Tubing Sample...

Page 47: ...low 4 8 The INOmax DSIR adds NO N2 JDV RZ WR WKH EUHDWKLQJ FLUFXLW RZ LQ proportion to the NO setting up to 10 at 80 ppm and subtracts gas IURP WKH EUHDWKLQJ FLUFXLW YLD JDV VDPSOLQJ DW D QRPLQDO RZ U...

Page 48: ...LIH Q 3 3 6 VWHP 1 INOmax DSIR 2 Heated Delivery Circuit 3 Infant Flow System 4 Infant Flow Generator 5 Sample Tee 6 Temperature Probe 3DWLHQW DV 6DPSOH LQH ZLWK 1D RQ XPLGL HU 9 22F X 15M Adapter 10...

Page 49: ...piratory Sensor 3 Transducer Interface 4 Infant Flow SiPAP 5 Infant Flow Generator 6 Sample Tee 7 Temperature Probe 8 Heated Delivery Circuit XPLGL HU 10 22F X 15M Adapter 11 Injector Module 12 Inject...

Page 50: ...ons using this device should be trained on and experienced in the use of this device to assure effective administration of INOMAX and to avoid injury to the patient or RWKHUV UHVXOWLQJ IURP LQKDODWLRQ...

Page 51: ...ion to the Fisher Paykel Neopuff Resuscitator 1 Oxygen Source 2 Neopuff 3 T Piece Circuit with Duckbill Port 4 Patient Connection 5 Temperature Probe XPLGL HG 5HVXVFLWDWLRQ 6 VWHP LUFXLW XPLGL HU 8 Ox...

Page 52: ...xcess level of NO2 RVV RI FRPPXQLFDWLRQ EHWZHHQ WKH 12PD 6IR and the INOMAX cylinder for more than one hour will result in interruption of INOMAX delivery Caution Replace an INOMAX cylinder when its p...

Page 53: ...53 Part No 20751 Rev 01 2014 08 C Purge the high pressure hose D Connect the pressure hose Changing INOMAX Cylinders B Perform high pressure leak test...

Page 54: ...YDOYH LV FORVHG Note If using the INOmax DSIR Transport Regulator Cap Assembly transfer the cap from the exhausted INOMAX cylinder to the new INOMAX cylinder at this time the Cylinder Not Detected ala...

Page 55: ...55 Part No 20751 Rev 01 2014 08 Changing INOMAX Cylinders Intentionally left blank...

Page 56: ...r Seal 3 Regulator 4 Tubing Adapter 5 Attach Tube Kit 6 Turn valve counter clockwise to VWDUW JDV RZ 7 To INOmax DSIR 6a If the pressure is in the red or black zone 0 25 psig select another INOcal cyl...

Page 57: ...51 Rev 01 2014 08 High Calibration Connection Diagrams Calibration Setup for O2 High Range Calibration 1 100 O2 Source 2 O2 Tubing 3 15M x 4 5mm I D Adapter 4 Gas Sample Tee 3DWLHQW DV 6DPSOH LQH ZLWK...

Page 58: ...phics not actual size Adapter Adapter 22F X 15M 15M Fits 4 5mm ID Tubing Adapter 22M 15F X 22M 15F Adapter Cuff 22mm ID X 22mm ID Adapter Gas Sample Tee Adapter 90 degree Sample Port Bunnell Life Puls...

Page 59: ...Valve 22F X 22M Patient Gas Sample Line with 1D RQ Pediatric Extension Sample Tee O2 Tubing 15 mm 6 inches Sensormedics 3100A B Water Separator Cartridge Filtered Circuit Disposable Adapters Convenien...

Page 60: ...60 Part No 20751 Rev 01 2014 08 0DOOLQFNURGW 0DQXIDFWXULQJ HPULWH ULYH 0DGLVRQ 86...
