Windows shouldn't stay open more than one hour in a day in winter time
for cleaning the air in internal volumes.
It is recommended to make maintenance and control of heating systems
which includes burner settings based on flue gas mesaurement by Maktek
autorised services before every heating season.
Heat isolation of pipes and tanks must be done if the boilers are in a place
that no need of heating.
Using boiler automatically with room termostat prevents overheating by
heating up to adjusted temperature and provides fuel saving.
Using termostatic valves on radiators provides energy saving by
preventing overheating of radiators. Termostatic valves can be adjusted to
the intended degree
Make the moving and transport of the boiler with original ambalage.
Moving must be done with two people by holding from the corners of the
boiler box. Be sure that the box is completely closed while the moving and
transporting. Protect the boiler from moisture, water, beats that can cause
damages to boiler. Be careful about damages from external factors like hitin,
crashing and falling.
Boiler can be use with LPG. Boilers that Natural gas / LPG Modification was
done by MAKTEK Autorised Services or produced suitable for LPG burning ,
must be run with minimum 2 tubes by building suitable collector system.
Tubes must be kept at minimum 15ºC ambient temperature. Otherwise LPG
in tubes starts condensing and cause damages on liquid phase LPG boiler.
It is necessary to to use liqiud filters which our company procures while using
LPG. Boiler and tubes shouldn't be kept in same place.
Use registered mark tubes. Tubes shouldn't be shaken, tilted, turned down.
Use 30 mbar pressure hood must be use with tube.
Good ventilation of the place must be provided.