MakerBot Replicator
MakerBot Replicator Mini+
Step 3 - Removing the Z-Stage
Base Cover
Step 4 - Remove Base Cover
and Electronics Cover
Manually rotate the Z-axis rod
clockwise to raise the Build Plate
Holder to give enough clearance
to be able to pull out the Z-Stage
Base Cover and Electronics Cover.
Once the Z-Stage Base Cover is
removed you can slide your fingers
underneath the Base Cover and
pull upwards. You will feel it snap
out of place slide it out of the
Mini+ and set it aside.
Using 1.5mm hex driver remove
the three (3) silver flat head
screws attaching the Electronics
cover and set aside.
With the Base Cover removed you
now have access to the three (3)
silver flat head screws attaching
the Electronics Cover to the Mini+.
Using a small flat head or similar
tool, slide it in the opening near
the threaded lead screw and lift
Grab the Z-Stage Base Cover and
pull away from the Mini+.