4 Detailed Functions Description
With this communication object it's possible to set/unset the device to Manual Mode.
Depending on
“Output [x] and [x+1] function”
different configurations become available, depending on
if the pair of switches are configured to be 2 Lighting channels or 1 Shutter and Blinds channel.
Lighting Configurations
Here are explained the configurations for each channel in case it is chosen to Lighting function. All the
channels working as Lighting have similar configurations. Whenever from the General configurations'
page a pair of channels is set to “Lighting” function, in the tabs list (left side) three new tabs per channel
will expand:
: General
: Measurements
: Scenes
4.2.1 O
: General
In this configuration page it's possible to make general configurations of the channel. The configuration
page is like the one presented in Figure 2. The respective detailed descriptions are presented in Table 4.
The Channel's general COs are:
“On / Off”
: Controls the output's status
“Priority On / Off”
: Makes higher priority control of the output's status;
: Sending “True” makes the channel to enter in blocking mode;
“Status Indication”
: Informs the output's status.
Further explanations in 4.2.1b
User’s Manual
Page 15