Majestic • JADE32IN, JADE42IN, JADE42IL Owner’s Manual • 2491-987 Rev. F • 9/18
60 inches
1. Each of the clearances described above are the minimum required in order to maintain your TV’s operating
temperature within the manufacturer’s specified maximum operating temperature when operating the fireplace
appliance, Smart-Wall™ Air Duct Kit and your TV within a room with an ambient temperature of not more than 75
degrees Fahrenheit.
2. Since every home has unique air flow characteristics and maximum allowable operating temperatures can vary
from manufacturer to manufaturer and from model to model, actual TV temperatures should be validated at the time
of each installation. TVs should not be used in stituations where the actual TV temperature exceeds the manufactur-
ers’ maximum allowable operating temperatures identified in the TV’s technical specifications. If the maximum
allowable operating temperature for TV is less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit you should not use your TV with this
application as damage to your TV may occur. Contact the TV’s manufacturer directly if you cannot locate this
information or have questions regarding this information.
3. “A” dimension taken from the top of the appliance opening to the bottom of the TV.
4. “B” dimension taken from back of the TV to the wall behind the TV. This 3 inch minimum air gap must be
maintained and not blocked with any object.
5. “C” dimension taken from top of appliance opening to ceiling.
Good Faith Guidelines for TV Installation above a JADE42IN, JADE42IL or
JADE32IN with a Smart-Wall™ TV Kit installed.
TV mounted flat
TV mounted at angle
TV Wall Bracket
clearance from
opening to
sidewall - 24 in.
Note: When the Smart-Wall™ TV heat management
option is installed, refer to detailed instructions included
with that kit.
Figure 3.5 Good Faith TV Guidelines- Smart-Wall™ TV Heat Management