Cadiz Installation Guide - Surface Profiles
– v2022
The Majestic Shower Company Limited
17 Flitch Industrial Estate, Chelmsford Road, Dunmow, CM6 1XJ
Tel44 (0) 8448 001 500
Fac44 (0) 1279 635 074 [email protected]
Cut the wall profile to length using a Junior hacksaw and then file the cut end smooth.
Run a bead of silicone along the wall side of the wall profile and screw it tightly in place.
Loosely screw the Glass to Wall brackets to the wall.
Check that the rubber strips are correctly positioned where the Return panel will
Run beads of silicone along the inside of the vertical wall profile as shown, and the
underframe channel where the Return panel will sit. Place a generous amount of silicone
into the bottom corner where the wall profile and underframe channel meet.