Operation, use, maintenance and disposal
Operating instructions
For safety reasons, it is absolutely forbidden to activate the Levant commands if you do not have the vision
of the field of action of the machine. This in order to make sure there are no obstacles along the ascent
trajectory or descent of the column, and that there are no resting objects and / or teetering on the cover
panel that may fall and break or bump those who were in the vicinity of the machine.
It is forbidden to lean or exert a force on the column or on the TV.
EUROTECNO SRL accepts no responsibility for property damage and / or injury caused by failure to comply
with these instructions.
Maior Levante can be controlled in two ways:
Through panel
By means of a home automation system.
The machine interfaces with panel and home automation system via the contacts clean.
The pushbutton is already supplied with the machine.
With regard to the configuration of the home automation system, it will be necessary to have an Ethernet
cable straight "linear" 8 pin and make appropriate connections according to the following scheme:
4 + 5 = Opening column
4 + 8 = Closing column
Inputs for manual
controls / automation