Free ™
• Power consumption in standby mode only 0.1W, ZERO ™ technology
• Duty cycle: max. 10% ~ 6 minutes per hour or 2 minutes
continuous use at full load
• CBD6S 300W is approved in accordance with standards EN
60335-1, EN 13849-1 and UL 962
Figure 6: Unit CDB6S
Power cable compatible (EU version)
Figure 7: Alimentation cable
RFRL Receiver
The RFR receiver operates radio frequency to 433 MHz.
It is connected to the control unit through a cable with a RJ45 connector.
The radio control operation is expected in a radius of about 6 meters from the receiver.
Environments in which there are other emitters of waves in radio-frequency, or in which the RF signal is
shielded could adversely affect the signal reception.