MAINS S.C. E.M.Wosińscy Brzeziny 95-060 ul. Słowackiego 12, tel/fax: 48 46 8752 777 www.mains.pl; [email protected]
controller: Mv4k
Pre-instalation informations
The following must be strictly observed
It is built-in device and does not work independently. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer - constructor
of the final product to provide adequate protection against shock, in accordance with the standards applicable
to the final product. The controller is designer for checkouts, which are subject to the requirements of EN
Therefore, it should be remembered that the checkout box is subject to this standard and the controller is one
of the electrical components of the whole machine. The design of the checkout box should be made in
accordance with the requirements of safety standards and not cause a risk to the user. The user of the
controller may only access the front part used to operate the controller. Access to the rest, especially the
electrical parts and cabling, can be possible with tools. The controller should be permanently attached to the
surface of the device in which it is mounted, and its disassembly is possible only with tools. Controller wires
and moving parts of the device such as the motor, belt and others shall be secured in such a way that they
cannot be damaged and come into direct contact with the operator. The cabling shall be fixed in such a way
that the plugs cannot be pulled out of the connectors on the control board, in accordance with safety rules (it
must not be tangled or strained). The individual conductors of the cable should be insulated, tinned or
clamped in the sleeve end as shown. Outputs of lamp circuits on the controller board are used to connect
signaling lamps. Wires for signal lamps, led from the controller, should be in the second insulation class and
installed in such a way that they cannot be damaged during the use of the device. The lighting lamps of the
station should be out of reach of the operator.
The controller as a machine component and the supply terminals of the controller are not adapted and are not
used to connect the main connection cable. The protective ground clamp in the controller is one of the
elements of the protective circuit connections and cannot be used as the main protective ground clamp. The
controller protect the motor circuit against short circuit by means of the main fuse. If there is a short circuit in
the motor circuit, the main fuse will be burn out and the controller will switch off. The controller's fuse is used
to prevent the device from escaping an internal emergency situation such as a short circuit or overload. It is
allowed to apply additional protections on the output circuits of the controller. A properly selected overcurrent
protection, indicated by the motor manufacturer, can be used as motor overload protection.
It is recommended to use motors equipped with thermal sensors. Some versions of the controller are equipped
with thermal motor sensor inputs and can provide additional protection for motors against long term overload
and overheating. These sensors can be connected to the appropriate inputs on the controller board described in
the manual. The insulation of the wires of any sensor shall at least match the basic insulation.
During the design phase of the device body into which the controller will be mounted, it must be taken into
account that liquids and solid objects that would get on the controller from above must not have an effect on
the controller. It is recommended to use appropriate housing to eliminate such occurrences.
On the next page we have included basic ways of mounting the controller. We allow for a 90 degree angle of
installation. It is important to remember about proper ventilation of the unit and to consider the heat
dissipation from the controller during the design phase. A minimum ventilation gap of 15 cm2 must be
provided in a closed enclosure. We also recommend a minimum of space for the cabling coming out of the