MAINS S.C. E.M.Wosińscy Brzeziny 95-060 ul. Słowackiego 12, tel/fax: 48 46 8752 777 www.mains.pl; [email protected]
controller: Mv4k
General informations
This controler is integrated microprocessor device which control chceckout motors.
The controller is eqiupped with photocell and it is able to connect with various types of peripheries which make the cashier’s work easier and
increase safety of usage chceckout box. Device has built-in main switch, safety switch and motor’s capacitor. Additional sensors are optional
and the possibility of their connection depends on the version you order.
The controller is installed in a minimum of time because all connections are terminated with detachable connectors.
Mainly feature of our controller is photocell which is included in the controller set and the control system has a digital coding and signal
verification system to prevent daylight interference.
The controller is fed in set: controller, photocell and a set of connectors to connect the cabling.
Basic parameters:
- automatic control of main belt
- automatic control of additional belt (version for two motors)
- automatic belt stopping with a photocell
- automatic belt starting with a photocell
- automatic stop when the belt is empty
- work with use a footswitch
- work with the additional buttons
- output for lighting of a checkout
- output for signal light (constant or pulse)
- front panel with keyboard
- safety switch
- main switch
- input of the motor cover sensor
- input of the motor cover lift sensor (optional)
- Soft start of the conveyor (the bottles do not fall down as the belt starts moving).
Possibility of working in configuration
Possibility of connecting accessories:
single with one belt
single with two belts
inductice cover
signal lamp
mechanical cover
thermal motor
signal lamp
Accessories are additional elements and they are not included in basic set.
If you have any questions please contact our sales department.