Vehicle Dismantling Manual
Airbag Deployment in End-of-Life Vehicles
Airbag Deployment in End-of-Life Vehicles (Single Stage Airbags)
Important Warning
An Airbag that has been removed from a vehicle should never be installed in any other
vehicle. We oppose reuse of airbag or any of its components. It must be noted that;
An airbag may not work effectively even when it is taken from a vehicle of same make,
model and year of manufacturing.
The difference between airbag systems are much more than just the trim covers
inclosing them.
Installation of wrong airbag module or improper installation could increase the risk of
serious injury or death during collision.
Any modification of airbag module, like; incorrect mounting, airbag size, inflator module
output, airbag vent size, airbag folding method or painting the cover surface could have
adverse effect on protection offered by airbag.
Removal or deployment of airbags before scrapping a vehicle eliminates the potential for
hazardous reactions during processing. A live airbag initiator can potentially discharge even
after it is separated from airbag assembly during processing. Airbags that have not been
fully deployed can cause human injury, damage of equipment. If special handling proce-
dures are followed, airbags can be safely deployed and then recycled with the rest of the
vehicle or shipped separately to a recycling facility.
Single Stage Air-Bags
Such airbags have one initiator and a single charge of gas generating material. Single
stage airbags have one pair of wires that connects to the airbag module.
Important Safety Information
The removal, handling, storage and deployment of airbags require special care. Only
trained professionals should perform this work. Personal performing these operations
should wear appropriate protection
Only trained technicians should perform this work. Personal performing these
operations should wear appropriate protection, including eye and ear protection, during
air bag deployment.
Do not dispose of a live (undeployed/partially deployed) air bag through normal disposal
channels until after it has been fully deployed.
Deployment of Airbags
Situations may arise that require the disposal of a live (undeployed/partially deployed) air
bag. If the entire vehicle is to be scrapped, the air bag must be deployed within the vehicle.