Keep all safety shields in place and in good repair. Rotating shafts cause
severe injury in a matter of seconds by entangling loose or dangling
clothing. Keep a safe distance from all cutting or moving parts. Do not allow
anyone to lean, push or stand on diggers to aid in penetration.
When repairing or working on an implement, make sure it is lowered to the
ground. It should be blocked securely if you have to work on it in the raised
position, don’t depend on hydraulic cylinders to support the implement
Always turn off power source and wait for all moving parts to stop before
working on the implement.
Make sure the operator knows how to operate the machine
Cutting equipment should handle properly.
Integral ploughs are transported completely raised and all weight is carried
by the tractor 3 point hitch. Adequate tractor front-end weights are required
to offset the plough weight.
When the transporting on a road or highway, always display SMV emblem
and use lights and reflectors as required by state and local regulations.
Semi-integral plough are quite long and caution must be used when turning
to prevent swinging the plough in to fences or irrigation ditches.
Reduce speed when transporting over rough ground and avoid quick, sharp
turns at high speeds.
When transporting semi-integral or drawn plough, always Install cylinder
locks to prevent accidental lowering of the plough. Relieve the load on
hydraulic cylinders before starting to transport.
Lower the plough to the ground or install hydraulic cylinder locks when the
plough is not in use.
Watch for other people when raising, lowering or indexing the plough.
Never permit anyone to ride on the plough and allow only the driver on the
tractor. Do not permit children to play on or near the plough either when
parked or in operation.
Lower the parking stand and securely pin it in place before detaching
integral or semi-integral plough on the tractor.