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The system will not stop the engine if the clutch is continuously pressed since it indicates the driver’s intention of moving the vehicle
When the battery charge is low, whether the engine will be switched off?
If the battery charge drops below a certain level, the system will not stop the engine so as to preserve the battery from further draining.
Whether I will be able to operate the engine with the normal ignition key?
Yes, normal operation with the ignition key is always possible.
Whether the vehicle will start (or) stop in gear?
The vehicle will not start or stop automatically in gear to ensure safety. It will do so only in the neutral position of the gear shift lever.
Whether the system will stop my engine in moving traffic?
No, the engine will be stopped only when the vehicle speed is zero continuously for more than 2 sec.
Whether the audio system will be switched OFF, when the engine shuts down?
No, the audio system will not be switched OFF and you can continue to enjoy the music.
Whether the engine will re-crank whenever the clutch pedal is pressed?
No, when the engine is running, the starter motor will not attempt to re-crank.
If any component involved in the system fails, what will happen?
The system has a built-in diagnostic module which understands the failure and immediately goes to bypass mode. In the bypass mode
the engine can be turned ON and OFF with ignition key as usual.
Are there any indications to show that engine does not stop due to poor battery charge state?
Yes, if all other conditions except battery charge are met, the ESS lamp blinks faster for 7.5 seconds and the engine does not switch