Pos: 49 / Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/ Überschriften 1/D/ Überschr ift 1: Diagnoseprotokoll erstellen @ 43\mod_ 1444380592212_75.d ocx @ 2319632 @ 1 @ 1
Recording a Diagnostic Protocol
Pos: 50 / Technische Dokumentation/Leistungsmess technik/Z7 Z ubehör allgemein/ 2901 MAHA VCI/BA/Inhalt: Z 729 Diagnoseprotok oll erstellen @ 43\m od_1444911481363_ 75.docx @ 2321175 @ @ 1
MES can be configured to record the data transmission between the control-
computer, the VCI and the vehicle. The error pattern analysis is supported by a
record of the diagnostics telegrams.
Activate recording in MES:
1 Start MES.
2 Press “Page Down” in the MES main menu.
3 Call up the “Diagnostics” menu.
4 Select menu item “OBD diagnostics”.
5 Select “Record diagnostics log” under “Service”.
6 Activate recording by clicking on the green button.
7 Leave screen with <F8> Next.
8 Establish communication again. Remember precise date and time.
9 Reproduce error scenario.
10 End communication.
11 Event record is stored under:
C:\Programme (x86)\MAHA\EUROSYSTEM\751\LOG\VCI\.
If the vehicle registration is known, the file is called: [Date]-[Time]_[Vehicle
reg].csv. Otherwise, the file is called: