Pos: 34 / Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/ Überschriften 1/L/ Überschrift 1: LE D-Anz eigen @ 43\mod_ 1441797036765_75.d ocx @ 2308648 @ 1 @ 1
LED Indicators
Pos: 35 / Technische Dokumentation/Leistungsmess technik/Z7 Z ubehör allgemein/ 2901 MAHA VCI/BA/Inhalt: Z 729 LED- Anzeigen @ 43\mod_ 1444910394880_75.d ocx @ 2321081 @ @ 1
LED 1 (E)
LED 2 (F)
Start VCI (boot procedure)
red, flashing
VCI set-up as WLAN client, looking for
base station
white, flashing
VCI set-up as WLAN client, connection
with base station established
green, flashing
VCI set-up as base station:
yellow, flashing
Device supplied with voltage, but vehicle
ignition off
red, flashing
Vehicle ignition on
solid green
Data transmission between VCI and PC,
and communication between vehicle and
Faster flashes
(2x per second)
Press function keys F1 and F2
solid blue
solid blue
WLAN has been reset to factory settings solid green
solid green
WLAN configuration reset failed
solid red
solid red
Pos: 36 /----- Format-----/MAN UELLER UM BRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\m od_1134403577687_ 0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1