However, MAHA VCI can also be operated as a WLAN client and integrated into
an existing network infrastructure (e.g. WLAN rounter).
For this purpose, please follow the instructions in the sections “Set-up WLAN
connection with Windows“ and “Change WLAN settings”.
My PC has no WLAN.
If the PC is not WLAN enabled, a USB WLAN adapter is required. This is available
in retail outlets.
OBD button is not available in the main menu
If the button is not displayed, Softdip process no. 6 must be activated. This re-
quires a mechanic’s dongle or the daily password.
1 Call up the mechanic's menu
2 Select menu item “Softdip processes (other)”.
3 Activate softdip no. 6 “OBD button in the main menu”.
VCI can no longer be found, or WLAN has been configured
The WLAN configuration can simply be reset to factory settings (see section “Re-
set WLAN configuration to factory settings”).
After reset, the VCI must be set up in Windows or MES again.
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