Pos: 116 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/ Überschr iften/Üb erschriften 1/ L/Überschrift 1: Lebensdauer @ 19\mod_ 1266336761550_ 75.docx @ 742423 @ 1 @ 1
Service Lifetime
Pos: 117 /Technis che Dok umentation/Hebetechnik/ 00 H BZ A lle/Inhalte/Inhalt: Lebensdauer HBZ @ 21\m od_1284715576070_ 75.docx @ 893652 @ @ 1
In its standard version, this product is designed for 22,000 load cycles based on EN 1493.
The maximum period of normal use in relation to the possible product life expectancy shall be
evaluated and scheduled by a qualified person during the annual safety inspection.
Pos: 118 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/ Überschr iften/Üb erschriften 1/ D/Üb erschrift 1: Dem ontage @ 19\mod_ 1266336822863_ 75.docx @ 742452 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 119 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/Inhalte/Inhalt: Dem ontage - Alle Geräte @ 19\m od_1266331670825_ 75.docx @ 742336 @ @ 1
Decommissioning and dismantling of the equipment may be done only by specially authorized and
trained personnel provided by the manufacturer, licensed dealers or service partners.
Pos: 120 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/ Überschr iften/Üb erschriften 1/G/ Überschr ift 1: Geräteents orgung @ 6\mod_ 1174482271625_ 75.docx @ 76901 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 121 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/Inhalte/Inhalt: G eräteentsorgung ( ohne RiLi) @ 21\m od_1276527534762_ 75.docx @ 856673 @ @ 1
If you want to dispose of the equipment, please contact your MAHA dealer or the following
address, indicating equipment type, date of purchase and serial number:
MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG
Hoyen 20
87490 Haldenwang
+49 (0) 8374 585 0
+49 (0) 8374 585 500
Pos: 122 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/Inhalte/Inhalt: G eräteentsorgung über Fachb etrieb (alternativ) @ 19\m od_1266331765399_ 75.d ocx @ 742365 @ @ 1
Alternatively, you may take the equipment to a specialised waste management plant to ensure that
all components and operating liquids are properly disposed of.
Pos: 123 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/ Überschr iften/Üb erschriften 1/I/ Überschrift 1: I nhalt der Konformitätserklärung @ 22\m od_1292856748432_ 75.docx @ 958616 @ 1 @ 1
Contents of the Declaration of Conformity
Pos: 124 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/Inhalte/Inhalt: Inhalt der Konformitäts erklärung allg @ 24\m od_1306229196727_ 75.docx @ 1011543 @ @ 1
MAHA Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co. KG
herewith declares as a manufacturer its sole responsibility to ensure that the product named
hereafter meets the safety and health regulations both in design and construction required by the
EC directives stated below.
This declaration becomes void if any change is made to the product that was not discussed and
approved by named company beforehand.
Pos: 125 /Technis che Dok umentation/Hebetechnik/ 49 Rad greifer-Hebebühnen/1201 MC L/BA/Inhalt: 4912 I nhalt der Konformitätserklärung MCL/ RGB @ 45\mod_ 1469014300795_75.d ocx @ 2542088 @ @ 1
Mobile Column Lift; Rated Load Capacity per Column 5500 kg
2006/42/EC; 2014/30/EU
EN 1493; EN 60204-1
Pos: 126 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1