Pos: 104 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/ Überschr iften/Üb erschriften 1.1.1/H/Üb erschrift 1.1.1: H ubspindellager und Fahrgestellr ollen schmieren @ 15\m od_1245309503627_ 75.docx @ 390830 @ 3 @ 1
Greasing the Support Bearing of the Lifting Screw and the Moving Gear
Pos: 105 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/Inhalte/Info!/I nhalt: Info - Wartungs intervall: 6 Monate @ 10\m od_1218714013958_ 75.docx @ 238417 @ @ 1
Maintenance interval: 6 months
Pos: 106 /Technis che Dok umentation/Hebetechnik/ 49 Rad greifer-Hebebühnen/1201 MC L/BA/Inhalt: 4912 H ub Fahr gestell schmieren ( Bilder) MCL/ RGB @ 15\mod_ 1245306712271_0.docx @ 390808 @ @ 1
Pos: 107 /Technis che Dok umentation/Hebetechnik/ 49 Rad greifer-Hebebühnen/1201 MC L/BA/Inhalt: 4912 H ub Fahr gestell schmieren ( Tex t) MCL/ RG B @ 15\mod_ 1245306700448_75.d ocx @ 390777 @ @ 1
1 Remove the lifting screw cover.
2 Lubricate the support bearing through the
lubricating nipple (large opening, arrow) using
a grease gun.
3 After lubricating reinstall the lifting screw
Periodically oil the rollers of the moving gear.
If they are equipped with lubricating nipples,
lubricate using a grease gun.
Pos: 108 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1