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AL-1 IM 10-20-2011
Al-1 Compressed Air Loader Instructions
Mount the loader so that the material inlet is directed towards the material pick-up point. Secure the
receiving hopper to ensure a safe installation as required. While mounting the receiving hopper,
adjustment of the photoelectric sensor can be done. The face of the sensor should be approximately
1/16” from the sight tube. Additionally, tighten down the filter hold-down knob and make sure the
clamping ring holding the filter is secure.
Do not over tighten the filter hold-down knob; excessive torque could damage the
filter element
All connections should be vacuum tight. Use the 15 foot section of 1 1/2” OD vacuum hose to connect
the receiving hopper to the air amplifier and the 4 inch section to connect the air amplifier to the
material pick-up device; additionally, use the 3/8” OD PE tubing to connect the filter/regulator with
gauge assembly to the air amplifier. All lengths should be only as long as needed since excess hose
will reduce loader efficiency.