Magtrol Hysteresis Dynamometers
Chapter 8 – Troubleshooting
If there is an erratic speed reading, or no speed reading at all, remove the rear panel of the dynamometer
and inspect the pulse disk. It must be tight on the rotor shaft and the shaft must rotate freely. Also,
make sure that the disk is not bent or distorted. If the disk is damaged, contact Magtrol Technical
Assistance for a replacement disk.
If the pulse disk appears normal, then connect an oscilloscope with the probes across pins 8 and 10
of the dynamometer 14-pin “D” connector—pin 8 is common or ground. As the disk rotates, the
pulse voltage should switch between a low of about 0.4 VDC (or less) and a high of about 5 VDC.
If this signal is incorrect, the problem is on the encoder optical pickup board. The encoder optical
pickup is replaceable as an assembly from the Magtrol Technical Assistance Department. If this
signal is correct, examine your digital readout instrument for the problem.