Magtrol Model 6200 Open Loop Dynamometer Controller
Chapter 6 – Calibration
1. Allow the 6200 to stabilize in an environment with:
• An ambient temperature of 18°C to 25°C.
• Relative humidity less than 80%.
2. Turn on the 6200.
3. Allow the 6200 to warm up for at least 30 minutes.
4. Enable the calibration mode as follows:
a. Turn instrument power oFF.
b. Press in and hold the UP
and DoWN
buttons simultaneously.
c. Turn instrument power oN.
d. Continue pressing the UP
and DoWN
buttons until the display shows the software
revision date then release.
e. Press the ShIFT button once.
To exit CALIbRATE mode without making any changes, press
the ShIFT button 6 times.
1. Connect the external voltage reference common to Pin 13 and Pin 4 of the dynamometer
input connector.
2. Connect the external voltage reference high to Pin 14 of the dynamometer input
3. Apply +2.000 VDC.
4. Press the DISPLAY button.
5. Adjust the gain by turning the Decrease/Increase Dial until the displayed voltage equals the
reference voltage.
The magnitude of change per revolution can be increased by pressing
the UP
button or decreased by pressing the DoWN
6. Apply 0.000 VDC.
7. Press the UNITS DISPLAY button.
8. Adjust the Decrease/Increase Dial until the display indicates 0 mVDC.
9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 to complete this procedure.
10. Press ShIFT.
11. Record the T-zERo correction factor for future reference.
12. Press ShIFT.
13. Record the T-gAIN correction factor for future reference.
14. Speed Verification:
a. Connect the function generator output to Pin 10 of the dynamometer input connector.
b. Connect the function generator common to Pin 8 of the dynamometer input connector.
c. Apply a square wave, TTL signal of 1000 hz.
d. Verify the 6200 Speed readout displays 1000 +/- 0.01% of applied frequency.
e. Apply several additional frequencies (10 khz, 50 khz) and verify the Speed readout
displays the applied fre/- 0.01%.