7.2 Features (Exclusive to the LTM-250/350 models)
This section describes the “advance” menus in detail.
This menu is currently only utilized at the factory and will not assist in any troubleshooting. When
the menu first appears the “No” option is defaulted, simply press enter to bypass this option. If “Yes” is selected
and this menu is accidently entered into then the push buttons will be locked out. Simply cycle the power to the
instrument to clear the effect of entering into this option.
The next menu is the “Default Configurations” menu. This option allows the user to “load” the original
factory settings or load settings saved in slots labeled “Sensor 1”, “Sensor 2” or “Sensor 3” (if utilized by end
user). If desired one electronics module can save settings for 3 other sensor probes by calibrating the
electronics module to a particular sensor probe then saving those settings into slots labeled sensor 1, 2, or 3.
Change the menu screen from “load” to “save”. Then the user can save current setting into slots labeled sensor
1, 2 or 3 and load from these slots as desired.
Loading Factory Defaults:
Enter into the “Defaults” menu by changing the “no” to a “yes”. Then the
option to “Load” will appear. Press enter and the “Factory” option will appear then press enter on more
time to execute the load from defaults (settings can also be loaded from Sensor 1, 2, or 3 by using the
up or down arrows on the “Factory” screen if the user has utilized the other slots).
Saving Settings:
Enter into the “Defaults” menu by changing the “no” to a “yes”. Then the option to
“Load” will appear. Use the up or down arrow to change the “Load” to “Save” option. Press enter and
the next menu will appear with “Sensor 1”. By pressing enter the current settings of the transmitter will
be saved. At the “Sensor 1” menu screen if the up or down arrow is pressed the user has the option to
save the transmitter settings into “Sensor 2” or “Sensor 3” slots.
One electronics module can
potentially hold up to 3 other transmitter settings.
The factory settings can never be overwritten (or saved to), only loaded from.
This menu is mainly utilized at the factory to achieve optimal linearity near the deadband
close to the electronics. This feature was released just in case in-field adjustments are necessary.
This option/feature only appears in software revisions 1.01.15 or higher.