BE 57-660 Eclipse Model 700 Guided Wave Radar Transmitter
constant of the medium in which it is traveling, the dielectric
constant of the upper liquid must be known to accurately
determine the interface level.
The thickness of the upper layer can be determined by
knowing the time between the first and second reflections
as well as the upper layer dielectric constant.
In order to properly process the reflected signals, the
Model 700 is specified for those applications where the
thickness of the upper layer is greater than 5 cm (2 inches).
The maximum upper layer is typically limited to the length
of the probe.
Emulsion Layers
As emulsion (rag) layers can decrease the strength of the
reflected signal, GWR offers best performance in applica-
tions having clean, distinct layers. However, the ECLIPSE
Model 700 transmitter will operate in most emulsions and
tend to read the top of the emulsion layer. Contact the
factory for application assistance and questions regarding
emulsion layers.