The .7's are matched pairs and mirror-imaged. The serial number for each speaker
in the pair is the same, except for a "1" or "2" following each serial number. As you
face the front of the speakers, the speaker with the serial number ending with the
"1" after its serial number has the tweeter near the left edge, and the speaker
serial number ending with the "2" has the tweeter near the right edge.
Stereo Width and Imaging
Once you have located the best position for the speakers and your chair for bass
performance, separate the speakers by 50-60% of the distance from your chair to
the speakers. For example, if your chair is 10 feet from the speakers, move the
speakers 5-6 feet apart. Now, move the speakers apart in increments of 3 or 4
inches at a time, listening carefully at each position. At some point you will start to
hear two separate speakers instead of a stage e
ect or continuous image. When
this occurs, your speakers are too far apart. Begin moving the speakers back in
small increments until you notice a point at which you achieve one cohesive
sound stage.
FIG. 1
Revised 2-10-19
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