Dear Custo mer,
Co ngratulatio ns o n yo ur fine new lo udspeakers and thank yo u very much fo r cho o sing
MAG N AT! Yo u have made an excellent cho ice. The high-quality speakers pro duced
by MAG N AT are reno wned all o ver the wo rld.
Fo r best results and to avo id damage please study the instructio ns and info rmatio n belo w
carefully befo re using yo ur new lo udspeakers.
The co nnecto rs are lo cated at the rear o f the speakers. They are equipped with a
clamping mechanism fo r cables cro ss-sectio ns o f up to 1 mm
. To co nnect the satellites,
please use no rmally available 2 x 0 .7 5 mm
o r 2 x 1 mm
lo udspeaker cables. The
cables are to be cut to the required length, the ends stripped and the end o f the wires
twisted to make it easier to co nnect them to the terminals.
Always turn o ff the amplifier o r receiver befo re co nnecting o r disco nnecting lo udspeaker
cables. Fo r go o d so und the cables must be co nnected so that the speakers are “ in phase” .
This means that the black negative terminals o n the speakers (-) must be co nnected to the
negative (-) terminals o n the amplifier, the po sitive (+) speaker terminals to the po sitive (+)
amplifier terminals. To make this easier o ne wire o f mo st speaker cables is marked with
a co lo ured strip o r a ridge in the insulatio n.
Befo re switching o n the system do uble-check all yo ur co nnectio ns and make sure that the
terminal screws are tight and that there are no sho rt circuits caused by stray wire filments
– this co uld cause serio us damage to yo ur amplifier!
Fig. 4 sho ws the use o f the supplied wall mo unts fo r the satellites.
To wer: Fig. 3 sho ws ho w to fit the suppo rt.
Co nnectio n o f the system to an AV receiver is sho wn in figure 1 (receiver witho ut a
subwo o fer o utput) and Figure 2 (receiver with lo w-level subwo o fer o utput).
In the receiver set-up, the fro nt, centre, and rear lo udspeaker channels sho uld be
set to ‘ small’ . So me receivers also pro vide the o ptio n o f setting the cro ss-o ver frequency
between the subwo o fer and satellites. If this is the case, please set this frequency to
1 5 0 Hz o r the frequency that co mes clo sest to 1 5 0 Hz. Please co nsult the user manual
supplied with yo ur receiver.