1800 623 432
MODEL:SU 100129
Follow the instructions of the installation assistant. After completing a step always
click on “Continue“ to start the next step.
1. Select a language. The default language is
2. The menu window of the InstallShield Wizard
appears on screen.
3. Read the license agreement and confirm by
clicking on “Yes“.
4. Enter the user name, the company name,
where applicable, and the serial number.
The serial number of the software can be found on the cover of the program CD. Store
the cover in a safe place.
The “Select target directory“ shows the default target directory. Confirm the
suggested target directory for Ulead VideoStudio 7 SE VCD by clicking on
“Continue”. Or click on the “Search“ button and chose another target directory.
For tuning the unit to your TV system, please select your country and used TV
system in the next step.
Next select whether you wish to read the “ReadMe file“ upon completion of the
installation and whether you wish the registration window to open.
The next window provides an overview of the selected settings. Check the list and
start the installation process by clicking on “Continue”. Click on “Back” to change
already selected settings.
The next step copies the required files to your PC. This may take a few minutes.
• If the serial number has been entered incorrectly, a warning message will appear. Confirm by clicking on
“OK” and enter serial number.
• The selection of another program folder may be significant in networks where the hard disc on which the
program is to be installed is not the “C“ drive. On stand alone PCs we recommend installing the program in
the suggested folder.