pg 9
Sous Vide Mackerel
∙ 2 mackerel fillets, pin-boned
∙ Sea salt
Preheat water bath to 50° C. Sprinkle a
little sea salt over the mackerel. Place
the fillets inside a vacuum bag and
vacuum on full pressure to seal.
Cook the bag in the water bath for 20
minutes. Take the fish out of the bag
and dry very carefully using a paper
Add a small amount of oil to a frying
pan and place over a high heat. When
the oil is hot, add the mackerel fillets
and pan-fry for 1-2 minutes to crisp the
skin of the fish. Serve with vegetables.
Sous Vide Pineapple
∙ 1 pineapple
∙ ¼ cup brown sugar
Preheat the water bath to a temperature of 80⁰C. Remove the pineapple’s
tough outer skin, making sure that none is left on the fruit. Slice the
skinned pineapple into quarters, trim the pieces to remove the hard flesh
from the core of the fruit. Roll pineapple chunks in the sugar. Seal the
sugar-coated fruit inside a vacuum pouch, place in the water bath and
leave to cook for 8 hours.
Serve as a flavorful and nutritions snack or with dessert such as ice cream
or angel food cake.