Version 1.0
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We must assume that you, your employees and others who use or come
into contact with the machine are familiar with how the machine should
be utilized. This specifically pertains to the proper use, maintenance and
repair of the machine as described in this user manual. This also means
that employees should be qualified to use machinery through training or
The Stage Flame must only be used according to the prescriptions and
instructions in this manual. Consult MAGIC FX if there are any doubts
about usage.
MAGIC FX B. V. specifically disclaims liability for unsafe situations, accidents and damages caused
Ignoring warnings or prescriptions displayed on the Stage Flame or in this documentation.
Using the equipment for other purposes or situations than specified in this documentation.
Modifications to the Stage Flame. This includes the use of non-original spare parts.
Improper maintenance.
Unauthorized removal of safety covers and/or safety devices.
Improper use of the machine.
MAGIC FX B.V. is not liable for any damages due to failures of the Stage Flame.
© Copyright 2012
All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise
without the prior written permission of MAGIC FX B.V.
MAGIC FX reserves the right to make modifications at any time without having to notify the customer
beforehand. The content of this manual may also be modified.
For additional information about maintenance, repair, and so on, please contact your supplier’s
technical department. This manual was written with the utmost care. MAGIC FX cannot be held liable
for errors contained in this document or consequences thereof.