Magellan RoadMate 2200T
Magellan RoadMate 2200T Right Side View
Magellan RoadMate 2200T Left Side View
- Press and hold to turn the Magellan
RoadMate on or off. (Note: The reset switch
MUST be in the up position.)
USB Connection
- (under protective cover)
Used for connecting to a personal computer
to upgrade the firmware.
Headphone Connector
- (under protective
cover) Please check local laws for use of
headphones while driving.
External Power Input
- (under protective
cover) Connects power to the Magellan
RoadMate from a cigarette lighter adapter or
an approved AC adapter.
SD Card Slot
- (under protective cover) Used
to accept an optional SD card. The SD card
can be used to store music and photos as well
as optional region maps.
- (under protective cover) Should the
Magellan RoadMate not function or during
firmware updates you may be required to reset
the unit. (The Magellan RoadMate will operate
only if the reset switch is in the up position.)
Hold Button
- (under protective cover) Used to
turn off the touchscreen portion of the display
and sets the receiver into a power saving mode.
Primarily used for outdoor use where the
Magellan RoadMate might be in a pocket or