MAD Disc Aligner
1. Place vehicle on car lift and put transmission in neutral.
2. Raise lift and place vehicle at correct working height, Fig. 28.
3. Check wheel bearing play on both sides of vehicle Fig. 29.
4. If necessary, adjust wheel bearing tolerances as described by the workshop
5. Immediately after removing the wheel, secure the brake disc to the hub to pre-
vent dirt particles from accumulating between disc and hub.
Use a brake pedal depressor to lock the brake disc.
NOTE: Brake discs are not all mounted to a hub with a screw or nut.
6. Remove the wheel and secure the brake disc with the wheel nuts (or bolts) and
conical rings, Fig. 30.
7. Mount the drive adapter to one of the wheel nuts (or bolts), Fig. 31.
8. The V-shape of the drive adapter must seat firmly along the edge of the hub.
9. Tighten the wheel nuts or bolts evenly to 50 Nm (37 Ft-Lbs).
10. Remove the wheel on the other side of the vehicle and secure that brake disc
with two wheel nuts (or bolts) and conical rings.
11. Remove he brake pedal depressor.
12. Check the thickness of the brake disc, to ensure that the disc will not be below
minimum thickness after machining.
13. Refer to the service manual for the minimum brake disc thickness.
14. If the brake disc is below minimum thickness, it must be replaced. Machining of
a disc below minimum thickness is not permitted.
15. If the brake disc is thicker than the discard size, determine the maximum amount
that could be machined off, for each side of the brake disc.
16. Remove the complete brake caliper and hang it on the S-hook, Fig. 32.
17. Check that the brake line and caliper do not come in contact with the drive shaft
(or any other rotating part).
18. Remove rust and dirt from the mounting surface of the caliper mounting lugs.
The lugs must be clean, as they are the reference point for machining the brake
19. Fit the rubber silencer band around the outer edge of the brake disc to help re-
duce noise and vibration, Fig. 33.
20. Connect the cable to the Drive Unit and the mains power supply.
21. Connect the 36V cable between Drive Unit and Lathe.
22. Set the motor switch to position 0, then unlock the emergency switch.
23. Move the slides and bit holders of the Lathe in the most rear position. (with ad-
justment knobs cutting depth and << or >> on the control panel. The green LED
of the Lathe should be on.
24. In this position the tool bits cannot be damaged by touching the brake disc.