The Macurco Hydrogen Gas Detector HD-11 is a low voltage (12-24VAC or VDC) electronic detector of
hydrogen gas. The HD-11 is designed for connection to alarm control panels. Alarm control panels that work on
12 or 24 VDC can provide battery backup to the HD-11. This gas detector is NOT designed to detect smoke,
fire or carbon monoxide.
Each person using this equipment must read and understand the information in these User Instructions before use.
Use of this equipment by untrained or unqualified persons, or use that is not in accordance with these User
Instructions, may adversely affect product performance and result in sickness or death.
Use only for monitoring the gas which the sensor and detector are designed to monitor. Failure to do so may result
in exposures to gases not detectable and cause sickness or death. For proper use, see supervisor or User
Instructions, or call Macurco Technical Service.
HD-11 may not function effectively below 32
F or above 120
F. Using the detector outside of this temperature
range may adversely affect product performance and result in sickness or death.
This detector helps monitor for the presence and concentration level of certain specified airborne gases. Misuse
may produce an inaccurate reading, which means that higher levels of the gas being monitored may be present and
could result in overexposure and cause sickness or death. For proper use, see supervisor or User Instructions, or
call Macurco Technical Service.
The HD-11 is not designed to measure compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
commercial or industrial standards.
When the unit is powered up it performs a self-test during which the green LED light will blink for a period of one and
one half to two minutes. Afterward, the green LED light will turn on continuously to indicate the unit is in normal
operation (ARMED). If the self-test fails or the green LED light does not turn on continuously do not use. Failure to
do so may adversely affect product performance and result in sickness or death.
Immediately exit the environment if there is an alarm condition on the detector. Failure to do so may result in
sickness or death.
This detector will only indicate the presence of combustible gas at the sensor. Combustible gas may be present in
other areas. Accommodation spaces should be well ventilated when household cleaning supplies or similar
contaminants are used.
Do not cover or obstruct visual alarm LED. Doing so may adversely affect product performance and result in
sickness or death.
Do not disassemble unit or attempt to repair or modify any component of this detector. This detector contains no
user serviceable parts, and substitution of components may adversely affect product performance and result in
sickness or death.
Avoid the use of harsh cleaning materials, abrasives and other organic solvents. Such materials may
permanently scratch the surfaces, damage the sensor, labels, or instrument housing.
If you have any doubts about the applicability of the equipment to your job situation, consult an
industrial hygienist or call Macurco Technical Service.