HomePod can not connect to the network. The Signal Strength
sub-screen shows the SSID and signal strength of the connected
wireless router or access point. If HomePod is connected to the network
by Ethernet cable, then these info would be irrelevant.
6.3 HomePod Controls
Content Navigational buttons
. The music library is organized as a tree
structure. Use the following buttons to traverse the list easily.
Use the rotating dial to move any list up and down.
Click the ENTER button to get into a list, or MENU button to come out of
a list.
Functional buttons.
To play a song, press the ENTER button or the PLAY button when the
song is displayed and selected on the list.
To pause a playing song, click on the Pause button. Press again to
resume play.
To jump to the next song while a song is playing, click on the Next
button. When the Next button is pressed, the present song will stop and
next song will start.
To jump to the beginning of a song while it is playing, click on the Prev
If you’re using the built-in speaker or the headphones port, to increase
the volume, press the + button; to decrease the volume, press the –
Playing Mode buttons.
To shuffle a list of songs, while a list of songs is playing in the playing
mode, press the shuffle button to shuffle the songs on the list in random
To repeat a song or list of songs, press the repeat button while a song is
playing. If the song is in a playing list, then the whole list of songs will
repeat after the present list is over. If a song is played singly, then that
song will repeat after it is played.
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7.0 Advance Operations
On the Mac/PC, use "remote.jar" as the remote control emulator. This
remote emulator has LCD that we planned to use to communicate with
the irDA receiver on the HomePod. You use "remote.jar" to control
HomePod behavior from your Mac/PC.
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