Instructions for use
MacroMedics ®
Head only & Head, neck shoulder masks)
Make sure that the rotatble lock pawls on either side of the frame are in ‘unlocked’
positions -
Only applicable for the head, neck and shoulder masks.
Rotate the top part of the Mouldroom Tool to one side so that it is not in the way when
the patient has to lie down.
Take a new supine occipital mask (dark blue, RayOC thermoplastic mask with the black frame).
When using a Waterbath (for the head, neck & shoulder mask, we recommend using the
MacroMedics MacroBath 4 or a bath with min. internal dimensions, in mm: 665w x 575d x 80h) to
heat the mask, set the water temperature between 68°C and 70°C (154.4°F and 158°F). Leave the
mask in the water for approximately 15 to 20 seconds until it becomes suffi ciently pliable. Take the
mask out of the waterbath and dry it between two towels. Check the temperature of the mask
before skin contact.
When using an Oven to heat the mask, set the oven temperature between 68°C and 70°C
(154.4°F and 158°F). Leave the mask in the oven for approximately 2 minutes and 50 seconds to
3 minutes, until it becomes suffi ciently pliable. Take the mask out of the oven and check the
temperature of the mask before skin contact. If the mask is too warm, let it cool down before
placing it on the patient.
Ask the patient to sit up in the desired position. Place the mask onto the DSPS-Prominent cradle so
that the pins at the bottom of the black frame fall into the designated holes of the cradle.
Bend both the ends of the frame (at shoulder height) along the slope of the cradle,
lock the frame’s ends with the rotatable lock pawl that is positioned closest to the frame by
turning it until it is locked, as shown below -
Only applicable for the head, neck and shoulder masks.
Ask the patient to gently lie down onto the mask. Gently position the patient’s head on top of the
mask in the desired position for treatment.
The mask will sink due to the weight of the patient. When an MR Head Coil will be used, the head
should be positioned between the lower and upper limit of the Mouldroom Tool. The back of the
head may touch the bottom of the Mouldroom Tool but should not rest on it. If the depth of the
impression is not deep enough, gently apply pressure with the palm of your hands on the patient’s
forehead to achieve the prescribed position and depth for the mask. Swing the top part of the
Mouldroom Tool above the patient’s head to check if the chin fi ts underneath it. If it does not,
reposition the angle of the head slightly while the occipital mask is still mouldable. If the patient’s chin
exceeds the maximum height, the mask/ patient will not be able to fi t in the Head coil.
Upper limit: Max. chin height
when mask will be used with
a Head coil
Lower limit