s Manual
Owner’s Manual
Connection menu
The connection menu is where you can manage the
connection to your SP260 without exiting the software.
This is handy if you are using the application to program
multiple SP260 units in the same venue.
• Connect device…
Click here and the software will detect and
connect to your SP260 for programming
and control from your computer.
• Disconnnect device…
Click here if you want to disconnect the SP260
from the software application without closing
the application.
Input and Output Tabs
Below the menus are nine tabs that give you quick access to an overview of the whole processor or all of the
processing options for a specific input or output. There are tabs for inputs A and B, for each of the six outputs,
and lastly a Summary tab. When you launch the application, it will open showing you the Summary tab.
Click on any tab to navigate between Input, Output and Summary screens.
Input and Output Linking
At the bottom of every screen are a series of buttons that let you link inputs or outputs to edit specific
parameters simultaneously. See page 21 for further details.