The fan speed increases in the following instances:
When the heatsink is above 86°C. Comparator U5B’s output switches low when the
heatsink-mounted temperature sensor’s output voltage increases to 860mV (86°C). The
output of U5B is coupled to the fan controller via D80. Note: hysteresis for the overtemp
detector is supplied by R177 and R179, so that the heatsink temperature must decrease
to 61°C (610mV) before the circuit resets and the fan begins to run slow.
When the amplifier is playing loud enough
the heatsink temperature is above 60°C.
When the temperature is above 60°C, the voltage at U4-7 is above 600mV. This “opens”
output U4-1. When program material is sufficient to drive U4-5 above 5V (D75 and D76
charging C70 through R193) output pin U4-2 also opens, and R174 is allowed to pull this
line high. With U4-10 high, the output of U4-13 goes low, allowing the fan to run fast.
The amplifier is muted in the following instances:
At turn on. C79 is low at turn on and is charged by R195. When U4-8 goes above U4-9
(after about 4 seconds) output pin U4-14 goes low, turning on the power amps.
When the heatsink rises above 86°C. U5-2 goes low and this is coupled to C79 Via D79.
4 seconds after the heatsink cools to 61°C, C79 charges enough to again un-mute the
When the AC supply voltage goes below 65% of nominal. At high voltage levels D67 is
able to charge C60 enough to reverse bias Q68. As the AC input voltage is reduced to
65% or less, R155 is no longer able to offset the current through R154. This turns on Q68
which again resets C79 and mutes the amps.
When the power transformer’s core gets above 130°C. A thermostat in the transformer
shorts to ground (J2-2). With J2-2 at ground potential, Current flows through R156 which
turns on Q68 and mutes the amps.
fan control continued.