Cancel Button : Mute on/off for the current target track (the track with master
keyboard input)
Save Button : Mute off for all tracks (lights up when any track is muted)
Enter Button : Solo on/off for the current target track
Undo Button : Solo off for all tracks (lights up when any track is soloed)
Trim Button : Undo
Group Button : Redo
For devices with patches, buttons F15 and F16 selects the previous or
next patch.
Mixer 14:2
The Channel Left/Right buttons determine which channels should be controlled
(1-8 or 9-14). You select what the rotary encoders should control by pressing
the following Assignment buttons:
Track button : Aux Send 1
Send button : Aux Send 2
Pan/Surround button : Pan
Plug-in Button : Aux Returns
EQ Button : Treble
Instrument Button : Bass
Alternatively you can press the Select button for a channel - the rotaries will then
control all sends, EQ and pan for the selected channel only. The assignment
display shows the number of the selected channel. To return to normal mixer
mode, press the Select button again.
Line Mixer 6:2
If you press the “Track” Assignment button, the rotaries control the sends. If you
press the Pan/Surround button they control pans.
There are two variations, "Filter" and "Amp & Osc" - you select variation by
pressing Assignment buttons “Track” and “Send”.
Use the Channel Left/Right buttons to select which drum channels should be
controlled (1-8 or 9-10).
You can audition the drum sounds with the Select buttons.
The rotaries can control a number of different settings for the drum sounds - you
select which setting by pressing the following Assignment buttons:
Track button : Pitch
Send button : Length
Pan button : Pan
Plug-ins Button : Send 1
EQ Button : Tone/Sample Start/Pitch Bend Amount
Dyn Button : Velocity Sensitivity
Buttons F1-F8 select pattern and buttons F9-F12 select bank.